Thursday, May 25, 2017

8 Best and Inspiring Quotes on Meditation

  1. Osho Quotes On Meditation 

  • You don't have to do anything, you have just to sit silently doing nothing, because any kind of doing is going to take you away from yourself. When you are not doing anything, the whole energy gathers inside; it is not invested anywhere. The moment you pass your mind, all the energy that was invested in thoughts is released. When you pass your heart, all the energy that was invested in your emotions, feelings, sentiments, is released. Now you are becoming too full of energy. This abundance of energy gives you the first taste of existence, and as this energy becomes a pillar of tremendous height and depth, you have found the connection with the cosmos. You are no longer alone. In fact, you are no more, only existence is. Then the existence, the cosmos, the life, is a sheer dance.

  • One has to become more and more centered in the process of watching. One has to disidentify oneself from the bodymind complex and this is the whole process of meditation: the process of disidentification. That is the negative part of the process. And the positive part is centering into the process of witnessing, becoming more and more rooted in watchfulness.

  • These two things done, the negative and the positive -- disidentification with the bodymind complex and centering in the process of awareness -- that's the whole of religion. Nothing else is needed. No scripture, no doctrine, no dogma. This is enough to liberate. More than that is an unnecessary burden.

  • That needs courage, hence very few people have been able to know their own selves, and very few people have been able to become Buddhas. Before one can become a Buddha, one has to pass through a death -- of the mind, of the ego, of all that we think we are. We have to lose all that we think we possess, then only can we possess the eternal.

  • Bliss follows witnessing -- and that is going to be your meditation. Witness your body as separate, witness your mind as separate. Remain rooted in witnessing: "I am only a watcher." That is going to transform your whole life, it is going to give you the ultimate.

  • Are you free to be angry or not to be angry? You are not free. He has simply pushed your button and you have behaved in a mechanical way. You are predictable. It was not within your capacity not to be angry.

  • You see something and greed arises. You are not free, you can't do anything about this greed. Or lust arises and you are simply a victim of it.

  • It is only through meditation that slowly slowly more consciousness is created within you, more light is created; more watchfulness, witnessing, happens. And that is the miracle of awareness: if you become aware of anger you become a master of anger. Then it is up to you whether to be angry or not. You are absolutely free to be this way or that way.

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