Wednesday, July 4, 2018


Osho quotes on Existence

  • Always go with the river of life. Never try to go against the current, and never try to go faster than the river. Just move in absolute relaxation, so that each moment you are at home, at ease, at peace with existence.

  • Existence is god called through love, provoked through love. The moment you become capable of prayer, existence becomes god. The moment you become capable of deep love, life becomes god. It is a transfiguration of the same energy.

  • Existence always cares about you. If you are authentic, if your search is true and you are not a pretender, time will help you, will cooperate with you. Time from existence`s side, and patience on your side.

  • Lu-tsu says, `Accept the situation you are in. It must be the right situation for you; that`s why you are in it.` Existence cares for you. It is given to you not without any reason. It is not accidental; NOTHING IS accidental. Whatsoever is your need is given to you. If it were your need to be in the Himalayas, you would have been in the Himalayas. And when the need arises, you will find that either you go to the Himalayas or the Himalayas come to you. It happens... when the disciple is ready, the Master arrives. And when your inner silence is ready, God arrives. And whatsoever is needed on the path is always supplied. Existence cares, mothers.

  • My effort here is to help you to feel that existence is not indifferent towards you. It is deeply concerned about you, it cares for you, it loves you. and when one feels loved and cared for, one is capable of loving and caring. when existence pours its love into you, you start sharing your love with others. You become so burdened with love that you have to share. You cannot contain it, it is uncontainable. It starts spreading, radiating.

  • Mind moves through the opposite and existence is unitary. Existence is ADVAITA, existence is non-dual -- there is no problem. Where is the boundary of the day, when the day stops, ceases to be, and the night starts? Is there a gap between the two? Only if there is a gap then the boundary is possible. But there is no boundary! The day simply melts into the night, it merges into the night, and the night again merges into the day. Life is one, existence is one -- mind is dual. So if you go on choosing you will never come to the source. Then you will cling to life and you will be afraid of death. Then you will cling to love and you will be afraid of hate. Then you will cling to the good and you will be afraid of the bad. Then you will cling to God and you will be afraid of the Devil.

  • Think of God as the friend. There is no need to think of God as far away, distant; that creates difficulties. Think of Him as a friend who is walking by your side, following you like a shadow, who cares for you, who loves you and who needs you as much as you need Him. That is the meaning of a friend. The need is not one-sided: it is not only that you need Him -- He also needs you. You are incomplete without Him and He is incomplete without you. That is the meaning of friendship: you both complement each other. This whole existence is interdependence. This small blade of grass is as significant, is needed, is required, as much as the greatest star. There is equality.

  • Only the childlike consciousness is capable of understanding all that is beautiful in life, all that is great in existence. And the whole existence is full of greatness, full of glories. This is the only existence there is; its beauty, its truth, is the only beauty and the only truth. But they are available only to the innocent people. Blessed are the innocent, for theirs is the kingdom of God.

  • Love also represents the innermost core of existence itself. Existence is not indifferent to you, it is not detached. It is committed to you, it cares for you. It may not care the way you want to be cared for, but it still cares in its own way. And what you expect may not really be your need, it may be just the opposite. Existence really fulfills your needs -- not your likes and dislikes, not your wants, but your real, true, authentic needs are always taken care of. Existence cannot be indifferent to you: you are part of it. To be indifferent to you will mean it is indifferent to itself -- that is impossible. Existence would have disappeared long ago if it was so.

  • Mind is dual, it always divides things into polar opposites: the conqueror and the conquered, the observer and the observed, the object and the subject, the day and the night. It goes on dividing things which are not divided. Neither is the day divided from the night, nor is birth divided from death. They are one energy. But mind goes on dividing everything into polarities, opposites. Nothing is opposite in existence; every contradiction is only apparent. Deep down all contradictions are meeting together.

  • The whole existence is surrounded by a divine energy that protects you, cares for you, is always available. If you go on missing it, it is only because of you. If you keep your doors closed, the sun may be outside but you will live in darkness. Even if the doors are open and the sun is there, you can keep your eyes closed and you will still live in darkness. So is the case with god: his love is always there but our hearts are not open, our hearts are closed.

  • The master is already merged into existence. Merging into the master you are really merging with existence itself. The master functions only as a door, and a door is an emptiness; you pass through it. The master is the door to the beyond.

  • Existence cares. When I say God cares I mean that existence cares for you, it is not indifferent. Let this be the foundation of your sannyas and then the temple can be raised very easily. It is easy to raise the temple once the foundation is rightly put. This is the foundation stone: remember that existence loves you, cares about you, is concerned about you; that you are not alienated, that you are not a stranger, that you are part of this great symphony, this orchestra, this celebration that goes on and on and knows no ending.

  • There is nothing in existence available without payment. If you want to know yourself, you will have to drop all false identities. They are your investments, they are your power, they are your prestige, they are your religion, they are your qualifications. It is difficult to drop them; it feels like death.

  • Jesus says: `Love thy neighbor as thyself` -- again and again. And he also says: `Love thy enemy as thyself.` And if you analyze both the sentences together, you will come to find that the neighbor and the enemy are almost always the same person. `Love thy neighbor as thyself` and `Love thy enemy as thyself.` What does he mean? He simply means: don`t have any barriers for your compassion, for your love. As you love yourself, love the whole existence -- because in the ultimate analysis the whole existence is yourself. It is you -- reflected in many mirrors. It is you -- it is not separate from you. Your neighbor is just a form of you; your enemy is also a form of you. Whatsoever you come across, you come across yourself. You may not recognize because you are not very alert; you may not be able to see yourself in the other, but then something is wrong with your vision, something is wrong with your eyes.

  • One can be blissful only if one understands this fundamental law of life, that god is our protection, that we are not orphans, that we are not accidents, that existence cares for us, that existence showers love, that existence is absolutely concerned about our welfare. Once this is understood, not only intellectually but existentially, once this is felt, once this becomes your own experience, life takes an absolutely new turn. One starts feeling blissful for no reason at all. Whereas before misery existed and persisted for no reason at all, now bliss exists for no reason at all. It is the same energy that was becoming misery because we were feeling alone, separated, afraid of this vast existence, struggling on our own with a small energy against the whole, knowing perfectly well that we were doomed to fail. That is why people are miserable.

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