Osho quotes on Seriousness , Osho on Seriousness , what is Seriousness , Osho explains Seriousness ,
quotes on Seriousness
- I teach you joy, not sadness. I teach you playfulness,
not seriousness. I teach you love and laughter, because to me there is
nothing more sacred than love and laughter, and there is nothing more
prayerful than playfulness. I don't teach you renunciation, as it has been
taught down the ages. I teach you: Rejoice, rejoice, and rejoice again!
Rejoicing should be the essential core of my sannyasins.
- For the Baul, life is not a serious thing. It is fun,
it is laughter, it is joy. So you cannot find anything like the
seriousness of a church-goer, or the long faces of so-called religious
people in the world of the Bauls. They love laughter, they love fun. They
enjoy small things with tremendous respect. Ordinarily, religions are very
long-faced, very sombre, serious, because they have to be -- they are
against life.
- Laughter is the very essence of religion. Seriousness
is never religious, cannot be religious. Seriousness is of the ego, part
of the very disease. Laughter is egolessness.
- Never misunderstand seriousness for sincerity.
Sincerity is very playful, never serious. It is true, authentic, but never
serious. Sincerity does not have a long face, it is bubbling with joy,
radiating with an inner joyousness.
- If you find a saint who has no sense of humour, then he
is not a saint at all. Impossible. His very seriousness says that he has
not achieved. Once you have some inner experiences of your own you become
very playful, you become very innocent, childlike.
- God is always joking. Look at your own life -- it is a
joke! Look at other people's lives, and you will find jokes and jokes and
jokes. Seriousness is illness; seriousness has nothing spiritual about it.
Spirituality is laughter, spirituality is joy, spirituality is fun.
- God has a tremendous sense of humor! Religion remains
something dead without a sense of humor as a foundation to it. God would
not have been able to create the world if he had no sense of humor. God is
not serious at all. Seriousness is a state of disease; humor is health.
Love, laughter, life, they are aspects of the same energy.
- The ego can exist only if you take yourself and
everything seriously. Nothing kills the ego like playfulness, like
laughter. When you start taking life as fun, the ego has to die, it cannot
exist anymore. Ego is illness; it needs an atmosphere of sadness to exist.
Seriousness creates the sadness in you. Sadness is a necessary soil for
the ego. Hence your saints are so serious, for the simple reason that they
are the most egoistic people on the earth. They may be trying to be
humble, but they are very proud of their humbleness. They take their
humbleness very seriously.
- The playfulness that I talk about comes very slowly.
You cannot just jump out of your seriousness which you have accumulated
for lives. Now it has a force of its own. It is not a simple matter to
relax; it is one of the most complex phenomena possible, because all that
we are taught is tension, anxiety, anguish. Seriousness is the very core
the society is built around. Playfulness is for small children, not for
grown-up people. And I am teaching you to be children again, to be playful
again. It is a quantum leap, a jump...but it takes time to understand.
- A man of knowing attains to a sense of humour. Let this
always be remembered. If you see someone who has no sense of humour, know
well that that man has not known at all. If you come across a serious man,
then you can be certain that he is a pretender. Knowing brings sincerity
but all seriousness disappears. Knowing brings a playfulness; knowing
brings a sense of humour. The sense of humour is a must.
- To laugh at others is egoistic; to laugh at oneself is
very humble. Learn to laugh at yourself -- about your seriousness and
things like that. You can get serious about seriousness. Then instead of
one, you have created two diseases. Then you can get serious about that
also, and you can go on and on. There is no end to it; it can go on AD
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