quotes on Effortlessness
- You will have to learn ways of relaxing in the present.
Enlightenment is not an effort to achieve something. It is a state of
effortlessness. It is a state of no-action. It is a state of tremendous
passivity, receptivity. You are not doing anything, you are not thinking
anything, you are not planning for anything, you are not doing yoga
exercises, and you are not doing any technique, any method -- you are
simply existing, just existing. And in that very moment... the sudden
realization that all is as it should be. That`s what enlightenment is!
- If you come to a really religious man you will feel a
grace around him, effortless. He has not done anything to himself, he has
simply relaxed into the ultimate, and you feel the effortlessness around
- The whole zen attitude is to bring to your notice the
fact that there is no effort to be made. The zen attitude is that of
- With effort, reach to effortlessness. With seeking,
reach to a state of no-seeking. With mind, arrive at no-mind.
- First you have to do all that you can do, and then you
have to learn non-doing. The doing of the non-doing is the greatest doing,
and the effort of effortlessness is the greatest effort.
- The first thing to be understood: effort is needed, but
effort alone is not enough -- effort and then effortlessness, effort plus
effortlessness. Effort precedes, and then effortlessness follows.
Effortlessness is the peak of effort, it comes only when you have reached
the peak
- Effortlessness means not doing anything, inactivity --
AKARMA. Effort means doing much, activity -- KARMA. Both have to be there.
Do much, but don`t be a doer -- then you achieve both. Move in the world,
but don`t be a part of it. Live in the world, but don`t let the world live
in you. Then the contradiction has been absorbed. Then you are not
rejecting anything, not denying anything. Then the whole God has been
- If you are going towards the easy, the ego starts
dying. And when there is no ego left, you have arrived to your reality --
the right, the truth. And truth and right have to be natural. Easy means
natural; you can find them without any effort. Easy is right means natural
is right, effortlessness is right, egolessness is right.
- Effort brings you to the moment of effortlessness, and
effortlessness makes you available to God. So effort is not absolutely
unnecessary, remember. It is not a condition to attain truth but it is a
condition to attain effortlessness. It is just like when for the whole day
you have been working hard, then in the night you move into a very very
deep sleep. But if you have rested the whole day then in the night you
will toss and turn and there will be no deep sleep possible. The whole
day`s effort makes it possible for you to relax. Exactly the same is the
case with truth. Do whatsoever you can do, and by doing it non doing will
flower. By doing it you will be able to relax. And when the relaxation is
total, truth simply descends. It is a visit of the beyond.
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